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Dana Awal Kampanye, WB-RL Terbesar, RUDAL dan TH-RM Sama, BASOKA SOLIT Terendah

BANGGAI POST, BALUT- Empat pasangan calon bupati dan wakil bupati Banggai Laut melaporkan dana awal kampanye kepada KPU Kabupaten Banggai Laut. Keempat pasangan telah membuka rekening khusus dan melaporkannya bersama sumber awal dana kampanye.

Komisioner KPU Banggai Laut Divisi Hukum, Muh. Yusuf Tommy yang dikonfirmasi melalui via pesan WhatsApp mengirimkan data saldo awal pembukaan rekening dana kampanye.

Berdasarkan data tersebut terlihat pasangan nomor urut 1 Drs. H Wenny Bukamo dan Ridaya Laode Ngkowe, memiliki saldo awal sebesar Rp. 50 juta sedangkan pasangan nomor urut 2 dan 3, H. Rusli Banun, S.Si., APt.,MM dan Asgar B. Badalia, dan Dra. Hj. Tuty Hamid dan Richard Brynwerd Schwaner Manuas, ST., masing-masing Rp. 1 juta sedangkan pasangan nomor urut 4 Sofyan Kaepa,SH dan Ablit, SH., sebesar Rp. 200 ribu rupiah.

Dan sesuai dengan rapat koordinasi antara KPU dengan partai politik dan LO masing-masing calon disepakati jumlah pembatasan pengeluaran dana kampanye sebesar Rp. 4.514.953.625 (Empat miliar lima ratus empat belas juta sembilan ratus lima puluh tiga ribu enam ratus dua puluh lima rupiah). “Batasan dana kampanye sudah diserahkan ke masing-masing LO Paslon,” ucap Yusuf Tommy. (IK)

Respon (1)

  1. In recent years, Africa has surfaced as a radiant hub for tunes and celebrity culture, gaining international reputation and influencing worldwide trends. African tunes, using its rich tapestry of genres such as Afrobeats, Amapiano, and highlife, has captivated audiences around the world. Major artists like Burna Boy, Wizkid, and Tiwa Savage have not only dominated the chart in Africa but have also made significant inroads into the global music picture. Their collaborations along with international stars in addition to performances at main music festivals include highlighted the continent’s musical prowess. The particular rise of electronic digital platforms and sociable media has more amplified the get to of African tunes, allowing artists in order to connect with followers across the globe and share their particular sounds and tales –

    In addition in order to its musical talent, Africa’s celebrity traditions is flourishing, using entertainers, influencers, and even public figures ordering large followings. Celebs such as Lupita Nyong’o, Trevor Noah, and Charlize Theron, who have root base in Africa, are making waves worldwide in film, television, and fashion. These kinds of figures not only provide attention to their own work but in addition highlight important social issues and ethnic heritage. Their success stories inspire the new generation of Africans to go after careers in the particular entertainment industry, promoting a feeling of pride plus ambition across typically the continent.

    Moreover, Black celebrities are significantly using their platforms to advocate with regard to change and give back in their residential areas. From Burna Son’s activism around interpersonal justice issues in order to Tiwa Savage’s work to promote education for girls, these open public figures are utilizing their influence with regard to positive impact. These are involved in several philanthropic activities, helping causes such while healthcare, education, in addition to environmental sustainability. This trend highlights typically the evolving role regarding celebrities in The african continent, who are not only entertainers but likewise key players in driving social modification and development.

    General, the landscape involving music and celeb culture in Africa is dynamic and even ever-evolving. The continent’s rich cultural range and creative talent continue to garner international acclaim, positioning The african continent like a major pressure inside the global amusement industry. As African artists and superstars continue to break limitations and achieve innovative heights, they front how for a new more inclusive and diverse representation inside global media. For those interested in staying updated on the latest developments and news within this vibrant picture, numerous platforms plus publications offer specific coverage of Africa’s music and celeb happenings, celebrating typically the continent’s ongoing contributions to the world stage.

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