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DOA BERSAMA : Pasangan Calon Bupati dan Calon Wakil Bupati nomor urut 4, Sofyan Kaepa – Ablit H. Ilyas turut berbelasungkawa dan mengirimkan doa atas musibah yang menimpa pasangan calon Bupati dan calon Wakil Bupati nomor urut 2 Rusli Banun, S.Si., APt.,MM dan Asgar B. Badalia. (FOTO MOHAMAD IKBAL/BANGGAI POST)

BANGGAI POST, BALUT- Sebagai salah satu kontestan pada pilkada Banggai Laut, Pasangan Calon Bupati dan calon Wakil Bupati nomor urut 4 Sofyan Kaepa – Ablit H. Ilyas turut berbelasungkawa atas musibah yang menimpa pasangan calon Bupati dan calon Wakil Bupati nomor urut dua. Dimana speed boat yang ditumpangi terbalik di perairan pagar garua perairan antara Pulau Sonit dan pulau kasuari Kecamatan Bokan Kepulauan, Senin (02/11).
Sebagai bentuk kepedulian yang mendalam atas kejadian tersebut, Pasangan yang diusung PKS dan HANURA itu merubah kampanye terbatas di Desa Mominit Kecamatan Banggai Tengah menjadi doa bersama, Senin (02/11) malam.
Pada kesempatan Calon Bupati Sofyan Kaepa mengatakan, duka ini bukan hanya dirasakan oleh keluarga ataupun pendukung pasangan calon Bupati dan Calon Wakil Bupati Rusli Banun, S.Si., APt.,MM dan Asgar B. Badalia tetapi seluruh bangsa Indonesia khususnya kita do Kabupaten Banggai Laut.
“Teman seperjuangan calon wakil Bupati telah mendahului kita, ini luka yang mendalam bukan hanya dirasakan oleh pasangan calon yang berduka tetapi juga semua masyarakat Banggai Laut,” kata Sofyan Kaepa.
“Mereka juga sementara berjuang untuk bagaimana Banggai Laut yang kita cintai ini bisa baik ke depannya,” tuturnya.
“Pada kesempatan yang baik ini saya mengajak kepada semua untuk mengirimkan doa pada semua korban yang meninggal agar diterima dan mendapat tempat yang layak disisi Allah SWT, keluarga yang ditinggal diberikan ketabahan,” tutup Sofyan. (IK)

Respon (1)

  1. In recent years, Africa has emerged as a vibrant hub for songs and celebrity culture, gaining international recognition and influencing worldwide trends. African music, having its rich tapestry of genres such as Afrobeats, Amapiano, and highlife, features captivated audiences worldwide. Major artists such as Burna Boy, Wizkid, and Tiwa Savage have not simply dominated the graphs in Africa but have also made substantial inroads into the global music scene. Their collaborations using international stars plus performances at significant music festivals have got highlighted the continent’s musical prowess. Typically the rise of electronic digital platforms and sociable media has further more amplified the access of African songs, allowing artists in order to connect with supporters across the planet and share their particular sounds and testimonies –

    In addition to be able to its musical ability, Africa’s celebrity culture is flourishing, using entertainers, influencers, plus public figures commanding large followings. Celebs such as Lupita Nyong’o, Trevor Noah, and Charlize Theron, who have root base in Africa, happen to be making waves worldwide in film, tv, and fashion. These kinds of figures not just take attention to their own work but also reveal important sociable issues and ethnical heritage. Their achievement stories inspire a new generation associated with Africans to go after careers in typically the entertainment industry, promoting a sense of pride plus ambition across the continent.

    Moreover, Black celebrities are significantly using their systems to advocate for change and provide back to their areas. From Burna Kid’s activism around cultural justice issues in order to Tiwa Savage’s initiatives in promoting education regarding girls, these open public figures are profiting their influence for positive impact. They are involved in various philanthropic activities, supporting causes such while healthcare, education, plus environmental sustainability. This specific trend highlights the evolving role associated with celebrities in Cameras, who are not just entertainers but in addition key players within driving social change and development.

    Total, the landscape involving music and movie star culture in The african continent is dynamic plus ever-evolving. The continent’s rich cultural selection and creative ability carry on and garner worldwide acclaim, positioning Africa being a major power within the global amusement industry. As African artists and famous people carry on and break barriers and achieve brand-new heights, they pave the way in which for the more inclusive and diverse representation inside global media. Intended for those interested throughout staying updated upon the latest tendencies and news inside this vibrant landscape, numerous platforms in addition to publications offer exhaustive coverage of Africa’s music and superstar happenings, celebrating typically the continent’s ongoing efforts to the globe stage.

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